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ACCETTANOT ALWAYS TIE RODS It's common that consolidation works require tie rods to the safety of the adjoining buildings. It is not always possible to execute them because it involves the autorization of the neighbohood. We experimented various solutions to contrast consolidations without tie rodsL: steel pipes, temporary concrete structures, well structures. Our last technological acquisition is the TOP DOWN system
Consolidations are mandatory works for multistory underground structures in city areas.
HIGH RISK OPERATIONS Being works that may present big risks during the execution but even more in the next phase, the construction, consolidations require great experience and a thorough development stage to target the best and safest solution. This particular experience is part of the DNA of FRATUS RESTAURI.
Via Balicco 12 Martinengo (BG) - Telefono: +39 0363 98 88 99 - Email: - P.I. 02885780169