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ACCETTAWe work with great coordination with our suppliers and we always look for the best technical solutions to obtain an optimal product for the customer with best quality and low expenses.
Fratus Restauri supply management staff is always involved in the continuous selection, control and improvement of our suppliers.
In every contract, our supply program is linked to the works program and it's updated with every change occurring during construction works, in order to be always in time and fully respect the delivery date.
We never work just with one supplier of a material; usually we start business relationship with at least 3 suppliers of each kind. Then we choose the best one which is not always the cheapest but the one that fits best our requests.
If the chosen supplier fails during the job we promptly change it using the next one on the list.
We always work and manage knowing that we're the only one in front of our customers.
Via Balicco 12 Martinengo (BG) - Telefono: +39 0363 98 88 99 - Email: - P.I. 02885780169