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We keep our team always formed and informed on all the rules, safety systems and safe use of all our working equipment.
We've written plenty of instructions of any kind on safety matter.
Our tools are always in the best shape, with periodic checks and maintenance programs in order to be efficient and make the work go as fast as possible.
For us, at Fratus Restauri, the condition of safety of our workers and fields is something that makes us proud.
We've specialized staff formed to exclusively control and constantly monitor the works and to ensure constant application of the laws and rules of the place where we're working.
We're always active in the research of new systems and solutions to better the work environnement and safety of our workers.
Via Balicco 12 Martinengo (BG) - Telefono: +39 0363 98 88 99 - Email: - P.I. 02885780169