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ACCETTARECOVERY OF LIVED BUILDINGS , FUTURE OF THE CONSTRUCTION MARKET In old developed countries the future of the construction market resides in the recovery of the old more than the construction of the new. That's the reason why we dedicate great attention, resources and research in this sector. Our challenge is to find always better technologies and composite solutions that are cheap, fast and guaranteed over a long time.
Lately, with the italian constructions market slowing down, we improved our skills in maintenance works: we're constantly required for recovery of waterproofing systems, renovation of coverings and roofs, structural reinforcement, paintings, insulation improvements and many more .
Our customers are always very satisfied for the quality of our works and for the care and the warm and familiar relationship we engage with them. A section of our supply office is devoted to the research and test of new materials and technologies for the maintenance of buildings.
Our rule is:
"the recovery of a lived building MUST be absolutely problem-solving and time-lasting".
Via Balicco 12 Martinengo (BG) - Telefono: +39 0363 98 88 99 - Email: - P.I. 02885780169