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ACCETTAPERSONALIZED SOLUTIONS All the above requires a deep study in the bid. Our well established habit is to ensure personal and professional consulting on the possible problems that the recovery can bring. Naturally we afford for those problems the best and final solutions.
Buildings deteriorate over time and if they're not built with the rule of the art they do it fast. Structural downgrades, cracks, leaks, infiltrations are just some of the numerous problems that bother people living in buildings. Often people believe that the solution is just to hide the problem, but this usually worsen the situation and the problem usually recurs later.
Recent technical studies demonstrated that the overwhelming majority of recoverings done by construction companies are not long lasting and usually they require later intervention.
In order to do a correct recovery it's fundamental to study deeply the problem and to spot the source of it, and then to pinpoint the best products and works to resolve completely and in one time the situation.
Via Balicco 12 Martinengo (BG) - Telefono: +39 0363 98 88 99 - Email: - P.I. 02885780169