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We developed over the time a complex company org board which is very flexible and not based on the structure but on the subproducts.
This allows us to spot the areas in the company that need to be improved or corrected, aside from the number of the company staff.
Our organization system has been proved, in the years, to be functional, handy, efficient and effective, but more than else it is flexible allowing us on one side to compete with bigger companies while on the other side to scale fast according to the market requests.
Fratus Restauri is born from the entepreneurial spirit of mr. Della Giovanna, who after gaining a solid experience in concrete carpentry, in 1986 won a bid for the construction of 200 apartments in Milan.
Since then Fratus Restauri grew continuously, building constructions of different types and dimension, always with the purpose to offer high standards with lower execution time compared to the average of the market.
The expansion of the company has been always accompanied with precise strategies devoted to continuous raising of our standards no matter the volume of production.
Questo le permette oggi di eseguire lavori che vanno dalla piccola ristrutturazione alla manutenzione di condomini,
dalla costruzione di interi centri residenziali al restauro di chiese.
Via Balicco 12 Martinengo (BG) - Telefono: +39 0363 98 88 99 - Email: - P.I. 02885780169