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The QUALITY PLAN is a book with all the controls to be done with the details of measurements and tests, in cronological order, for every work to be done, for every supply and even for the safety of the workers.
Controls are registered and when there's a negative result we open an urgent procedure in which we isolate the area of the work and we do immediately what's needed to recover completely the results.
All the above is done for every contract, from the little one to the very big. Our quality and professionalism is visible at every level, from the customer to the suppliers of the workers.
For our company the management of the building site is the crucial step where all the technical offices gather.
We continuously dedicate resources for the optimization of all processes and for the best timing and efficiency.
After signing a contract we open a folder with a checklist with all the steps to be done in order to start the construction with everything set up.
In this early stage we develop a detailed work program (Gannt diagram), supply program, quality plan and safety docs.
The WORKS PROGRAM is developed with advanced software that can allow us to monitor deeply every step of the construction and the interaction between all the steps: with this program we can spot the critical path and we can act in every moment to optimize the works or to adapt them to the requests of the customers.
The SUPPLY PROGRAM allows us to have a clear schedule and the exact sequence of all the supplies needed from the beginning to the end of the construction.
Via Balicco 12 Martinengo (BG) - Telefono: +39 0363 98 88 99 - Email: - P.I. 02885780169